An animated short based on the book, "Adventures at Pleasant Grove."
A picture book based on the children's novel, "Adventures by Pleasant Grove." CLICK HERE to order.
Annie the red-haired Retriever and her best friend, Benny the Mouse, set out on an adventure to uncover the identity of a mysterious "whatever" found near the well of the Pleasant Grove farm. Based on the book, Adventures at Pleasant Grove, written by Anne Johnstonbrown (under the pseudonym Lily-Marie Taylor), this delightful paperback picture book is perfect for children, ages 4 to 9. And when you purchase the hardcover extended edition, you will also get a bonus chapter: "Journey out of Pleasant Grove"!
A children's novel for ages 7-12. CLICK HERE to order.
Anne Johnstonbrown (under the pseudonym Lily-Marie Taylor) has written an exciting new chapter book for children, ages 7-12. Dr. Seuss meets Anne of Green Gables in this Extended Edition of the Adventures at Pleasant Grove, a turn-of-the-century, old-fashioned, family-oriented trilogy of stories about a dog and a mouse who always manage to save the day. Join Annie, the red-haired Retriever, and her best friend, Benny the Mouse, as they enjoy many fantastic adventures happening daily at Papa's Pleasant Grove! Come experience danger, romance, jealousy, betrayal, scandal, redemption, and even a critter-napping or two. It's all here when you enter the magnificent world of Annie and her fabulous faction of fellow farm friends!
We are thrilled to announce that the LYMAN The Musical script has been published and is now available for purchase on
Buy your copy TODAY!
Smith & Kraus has just released their annual "The Best Men's Stage Monologues 2020," in which THREE pieces from LYMAN The Musical are included! Destined to be a best-seller, check it out here: